Monday, March 8, 2010

Drum roll please...

Went to the doctor today and I am down 14.6 since surgery!!! WOOOOHOOOO!!!! So I am way excited! I have noticed s difference in my clothes already! I can just see a gold lame' thong in my future!



But seriously...My eating habits have definitely changed. I am transitioning to mushier foods. Meaning softer foods like mashed potatoes and stuff like that. I had chicken salad for dinner tonite. I just have to make sure I chew chew chew!

I have my next appointment in 3 weeks when they will fill the band for the first time. They said I should be on solids by then. So I am off and running! I and starting the gym back tomorrow. Cardio, cardio, cardio!!!!

Till next time!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 1 Post Surgery

Ok so let me start off by saying that I thought that I would be blogging everyday but up until now it would have just been about what i have been eating and I figured that was a little boring. So I decided that I would try and at least blog on a weekly basis, especially now that i've had the surgery.

So yesterday was surgery day! Surgery was at 1:30 and I think we left there about 5. The funny thing is is that they called me to see if I could come in earlier but they took me in at my normal time. I guess they liked watching me be NPO ALL DAY LONG!

So surgery, they say, went very well. Not only did they put in the lap band in but they repaired a hiatal hernia also. So soon I will not only be a smaller version of myself but my acid reflux will be gone!

I did find out a small side effect of the surgery. To expand the stomach and abdominal cavity they pump carbon dioxide into you. However it doesn't leave as easy as it was introduced. It moves all over and cause an annoying dull achey pain in your shoulders. The doctors and nurses said that it will disappear on its own and that walking around and heating pads work. So needless to say I'm in my recliner with a heating pad on me as I type this!

So now lets talk about the sleep I didn't get! We went to bed about 10:30. I didn't take my liquid loirtab until that point cause I wasn't in much pain sitting downstairs. Trying to lay down was the hard part. I didn't realize how many abdominal muscles you use laying down and getting up. Once I laid down it wasn't so bad. The meds kicked in and I drifted off to sleep...for an hour! Yeah that was the hard part...I was up every hour on the hour. That was probably the shittiest part of it all. I must have also pee'd out every bit of fluids hey gave me as well. I finally got up at 7:30 this morning and plopped my butt in the recliner!

Its a pretty day here so I may get up and try and walk around the neighborhood. I had Rodney take a picture of me this morning.

It's time to drink breakfast! Until next time!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 2


LOL Ok So I need to stop whining. Today hasn't actually been all that bad. It has been much better than the first. Its just at night when I get the hungriest and I want to eat my hand cause it looks so good!

My meals today consisted of a protein shake for breakfast, greek yogurt as my mid morning snack, salmon and veggies for lunch with a side of crab salad, another protein shake for mid afternoon snack and then tuna with lettuce, tomatoes, and red onion.

I really thought the shakes were gonna be nasty at first however they have been not so bad. I use vanilla soy milk instead of regular skim milk. Its 8oz of soy milk, 8oz. of water and i scoop of powder and shake away! The skim milk has 20 less calories per serving and no fat while the vanilla soy has 100 calories per serving and 3.5 grams of fat (3 grams are the good fat that are found in soy beans) as well as being less carb.

This is the brand I use...
I highly recommend this! The protein powder I use is The GNC brand whey protein powder which has 20grams of protein per serving. I recommend the chocolate or the strawberry. The guy at the store said to stay away from the I did. LOL

Well I guess that's day 2 in a nutshell. I know it's only been 2 days but I can tell a difference. I know that if I stay busy its makes the hunger pains go away.

I almost forgot...I had great news today...I got the job I applied for today! I have high hopes for 2010!!! New job, new body, and a definite new attitude!

Till tomorrow!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 1

Ok so today was day 1 of my pre-op diet. My surgery is scheduled for next wednesday and I have to be on a high protein, low carb diet prior to surgery. It's kinda like South Beach. Your body goes into ketoacidosis which helps it drop weight rather fast. My surgeon said that the diet reduces belly fat and it also helps shrink the liver to aid in surgery. Needless to say DAY 1 HAS BEEN A BITCH!

I had a strawberry protein drink for breakfast, a protein bar for a morning snack, a rotisserie chicken breast with no skin and veggies for lunch, a chocolate protein shake for a late afternoon snack before the gym and then a salad and a chicken breast for's 8:23pm and I'M STARVING! I am sure I will get used to it. No soda has given me the biggest headache!

All in all day one not so bad. I tried drinking lots of water throughout the day to curve the hunger. We will see how Day 2 goes.

Here are my first pics and weigh to match. Its only going down from here!

Weight: 282.8
BMI: 41


Ok so I feel like I needed a way to deal with the fact that I may be an angry, cranky bastard for the next few weeks so I decided that I would jot down my thoughts in this here blog. I have never blogged before so bear with me...I'm a newbie.

So today I start day 1 of my weight loss journey. As most of my friends know I am having Lap Band surgery next Wednesday morning. I know that some people may think that this is a bad idea but most of those people haven't been big their entire life. And for the people who say that I am just being lazy, well they can suck it. I can honestly say that I have tried everything and I feel like a yo-yo. Well enough is enough! The lap band is a way to help with portion control. I will still have to be responsible for what I eat and how active I want to be. So today is the start if my road to thindom...if that's even a word :-)

I will be posting to this daily. My first post of the week will be with my weight and a pic of me so I can see my own progression. I am sure the rest of the weeks will be filled with me bitching about what I can't eat and why I don't wanna get my lazy ass off of my couch.

So this is it...wish me good luck on this trip. Lord knows I will need it!